Last weekend, I went with Sergey to the Memphis Day of .Net conference held at the University of Memphis. It consisted of a series of .Net-centric talks given by senior professionals mostly from around the southeast on various topics such as ASP.NET, Visual Studio, Silverlight, and Test Driven Development. I had a great time and got a lot of good info from the conference.

Charles Petzold giving the keynote

The keynote presentation was given by Charles Petzold (who's written a few books about programming windows) and was well delivered and entertaining. He and the conference room where he presented are shown in the picture above. (Side note: The auditorium is called "The Zone"... and it's sponsored by AutoZone.... get it?? hilarious! ;) In the lower right side of the pic you can barely see the consoles that were present at each attendee's seat. These consoles contained a microphone and button that, when pressed, signaled one of the four automated cameras in the front of the auditorium to zoom into the questioning attendee, at which point they would be shown on screen and his or her microphone would become hot. Neato! -- Updated, Nov 15: Here's a video of the space one of the presenters posted.

B.B. King playing at his club on Beale St

While in Memphis, we also managed to catch B.B. King playing at his club on Beale Street. I had never been to Memphis and was hoping to catch a bit of good blues music, but wasn't prepared for anything like that. Even at 82 years old, B.B. King can still put on a great show.